tanitim@esenyurt.edu.tr 444 9 123

Turkey Scholarships

"Turkey Scholarships", which was launched in 2012, received 40,000 applications in its first year, and accordingly, a significant increase was observed in the number of applications compared to previous years. Türkiye Scholarships program received approximately 150 thousand applications in 2019.

In addition to providing financial support, Türkiye Scholarships also include placing students in the programs they want at universities, and with this feature, it differs from other scholarship programs in the world. Apart from university education, they are also provided with the opportunity to benefit from extra-curricular social, cultural and academic activities during their time in Turkey.

Türkiye Scholarships program also supports academicians, researchers and public personnel in other countries with its different research modules and Turkish language training.

Close communication with International Students continues not only during their education period, but also after their graduation. Students who have completed their higher education in Turkey also undertake the duty of voluntary country ambassadors that build bridges between their countries and Turkey. In this direction, the Turkey Alumni Network has been established in order to maintain our ties with our alumni around the world.


Application Addresses


